Soul Level Healing
Shifting Disempowering Beliefs
Reiki Healing
EFT Tapping
Picture Tapping
Spiritual Coaching & Guidance
Soul Mapping
Manifesting & Spiritual Alchemy
Intuitive Readings
Past Life Regressions
Relaxation Hypnosis
Search Inside Yourself provides tools and practices that help individuals better understand themselves, work to understand others, find our common humanity, and lead with compassion.
Group clearings are done the first and the 15th of the month. These clearings are done remotely and you do not need to tune in at an appointed time. Group clearings are done on a donation basis—you choose the donation amount!
Mary Clare Wojcik and White Eagle Publications and Coaching, LLC practitioners are not mental health care professionals. The information on the site is meant to inspire and educate. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and other healing modalities are considered experimental self-help tools, and the information on this site is of a general nature.
Products, services, information, and other content provided on maryclarewojcik.com, including information that may be provided on this Site directly or by linking to third-party websites are provided for informational purposes only. This website content (including all audios, videos, and written material) are intended to educate and are not guarantees of any kind.
The content of this Site is not intended to be a substitute for the knowledge, skill and judgment of qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, and health care professionals. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related advice, diagnosis, or treatment options.
Contact your healthcare professional promptly should you have any health-related questions. Seek professional assistance immediately if you feel suicidal. Never disregard or delay medical advice based upon information you may have read on this Site.
This Site makes no guarantee or warranty with respect to any products or services sold and is not responsible for any damages for information or services provided.